- American Health Care Associationwww.ahcancal.org
- American Health Care Associationwww.ahcancal.org
- American Public Health Associationwww.apha.org
- American Medical Associationwww.ama-assn.org
- American Federation for Aging Researchwww.infoaging.org
- American Physical Therapy Associationwww.apta.org
- CMSwww.cms.gov
- CHAP – Community Health Accreditation Programwww.chapinc.org
- Home Care Association of Americawww.choa.org
- International Council of Nurseswww.icn.ch
- Mobility Internationalwww.miusa.org
- Medicarewww.medicare.gov
- National Council on Disabilitywww.ncd.gov
- National Institutes of Healthwww.health.nih.gov
- QuatrisHealthcowww.quatrishealthco.com
- Senior Veteran’s Service Alliancewww.veteransaidbenefit.org
- Texas Department of State Health Serviceswww.dshs.texas.gov
- The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapywww.fsbpt.org
- The American Geriatrics Societywww.americangeriatrics.org
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Serviceswww.hhs.gov
- United States Department of Veterans Affairswww.va.gov